Shipping Times
Singapore. 2 - 4 working days
Rest of the World. Express 3 - 5 working days
Shipping Times
Singapore. 2 - 4 working days
Rest of the World. Express 3 - 5 working days
Taxes and Duties
In most cases, any customs or import duties are charged once the parcel reaches its destination country. You may be charged for handling fees and taxes as your order passes through customs. Any charges on a parcel must be paid by the person receiving the parcel.
Lisa Von Tang has no control over these charges and we can't tell you what the cost would be, as customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country.
It might be a good idea to contact your local customs office for current charges before you order, so you are not surprised by charges you were not expecting.
Shipping Restrictions
Afghanistan (AF)
Algeria (DZ)
American Samoa (AS)
Angola (AO)
Anguilla (AI)
Antigua (AG)
Argentina (AR)
Armenia (AM)
Aruba (AW)
Azerbaijan (AZ)
Bahamas (BS)
Barbados (BB)
Belarus (BY)
Belize (BZ)
Benin (BJ)
Bermuda (BM)
Bhutan (BT)
Bolivia (BO)
Bonaire (XB)
Botswana (BW)
Brazil (BR)
Burkina Faso (BF)
Burundi (BI)
Cameroon (CM)
Cape Verde (CV)
Cayman Islands (KY)
Central African Rep(CF)
Chad (TD)
Chile (CL)
Colombia (CO)
Comoros (KM)
Congo (CG)
Congo, DPR (CD)
Cook Islands (CK)
Costa Rica (CR)
Cote D Ivoire (CI)
Cuba (CU)
Curacao (XC)
Dominica (DM)
Dominican Rep. (DO)
Djibouti (DJ)
Ecuador (EC)
El Salvador (SV)
Eritrea (ER)
Ethiopia (ET)
Falkland Islands (FK)
French Guyana (GF)
Gabon (GA)
Gambia (GM)
Georgia (GE)
Ghana (GH)
Greenland (GL)
Grenada (GD)
Guadeloupe (GP)
Guam (GU)
Guatemala (GT)
Guinea Rep. (GN)
Guinea-Bissau (GW)
Guinea-Equatorial (GQ)
Guyana (British) (GY)
Haiti (HT)
Honduras (HN)
Iceland (IS)
Iran (IR)
Iraq (IQ)
Jamaica (JM)
Kazakhstan (KZ)
Kenya (KE)
Kiribati (KI)
Korea, D.P.R Of (KP)
Kyrgyzstan (KG)
Lebanon (LB)
Lesotho (LS)
Liberia (LR)
Libya (LY)
Madagascar (MG)
Malawi (MW)
Mali (ML)
Martinique (MQ)
Mariana Islands (MP)
Marshall Islands (MH)
Mauritania (MR)
Mauritius (MU)
Mayotte (YT)
Micronesia (FM)
Moldova, Rep. Of (MD)
Montserrat (MS)
Morocco (MA)
Mozambique (MZ)
Namibia (NA)
Nauru, Rep. Of (NR)
Nevis (XN)
New Caledonia (NC)
Nicaragua (NI)
Niger (NE)
Nigeria (NG)
Niue (NU)
Palau (PW)
Panama (PA)
Paraguay (PY)
Peru (PE)
Puerto Rico (PR)
Reunion, Island Of (RE)
Russian Federation (RU)
Rwanda (RW)
Saint Helena (SH)
Samoa (WS)
San Marino (SM)
Sao Tome And Principe (ST)
Senegal (SN)
Seychelles (SC)
Sierra Leone (SL)
Solomon Islands (SB)
Somalia (SO)
Somaliland, Rep Of (XS)
South Sudan (SS)
St. Barthelemy (XY)
St. Eustatius (XE)
St. Kitts (KN)
St. Lucia (LC)
St. Maarten (XM)
St. Vincent (VC)
Sudan (SD)
Suriname (SR)
Swaziland (SZ)
Syria (SY)
Tahiti (PF)
Tajikistan (TJ)
Tanzania (TZ)
Timor-Leste (TL)
Togo (TG)
Tonga (TO)
Trinidad And Tobago (TT)
Tunisia (TN)
Turkmenistan (TM)
Turks & Caicos (TC)
Tuvalu (TV)
Uganda (UG)
Ukraine (UA)
Uruguay (UY)
Uzbekistan (UZ)
Vanuatu (VU)
Venezuela (VE)
Virgin Islands-British (VG)
Virgin Islands-US (VI)
Yemen, Rep. Of (YE)
Zambia (ZM)
Zimbabwe (ZW)
Shipping of On-Demand Items
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