Sexy Means Alive. I am Sexy.
The first time I stumbled upon a photo of Yazemeenah Rossi I was taken aback by her striking silver hair. Like many, I was confused - is she a young woman who dyed her hair? Her cool, ravishing style and purity had a timeless spirit. Yazemeenah broke into the fashion world when she was already in her forties. She is now in her 60s and "a force of revolution in the world of fashion," as she is helping redefine beauty in relation to age.

"This is not courage. This is simply who I am. If more models are authentic,
it will impact people who see them."

As a woman who at age 32, already struggles with feeling "alive" on a regular basis I was quite inspired by Yazemeenah's The Bod Edit interview. I wanted to find out how she has maintained such fluidity and joy in her body, and of course that soft amazing skin!!! Check out her words of wisdom:
"I turned 62 in December and people always ask how I look the way I do at my age. It’s a question of spirit. It’s not just a question of what I eat or what I put on my skin. It’s about how you think. I’ve found that a lot of women are stuck in the boxes they put themselves in. I think when you’re set in these limits it puts so much stress on the body and cuts you off from being who you want to be. If you don’t follow what makes you happy, slowly it starts to die. I think this is one of the secrets to staying young, it’s very simple."